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You never lose what you invest in yourself

1:1 coaching offer


- 1 session, 50min

- online, in my office, in nature or while walking

- short interventions like embodiment, breathing,   meditation, role play

- inclusive transcripts, exercises, individual         recordings

- you decide on the frequency / amount 

1 single coaching session


1 day coaching

- at my office and surrounding nature, in the   mountains, at your sport, 

 your preference

- we take time for clarifying your situation, goals and  no-goes

- we will do intervention in sitting but also moving position, to integrate the   body, to feel your energy and to literally walk the way towards your future

- I will support you letting go of old patterns, believes and barriers

- together we will create the picture of your dream life, you will feel the flow   you want to live in and you will allow yourself to live your true authentic self

- at the end there is time to integrate your experience, to calm your system   and to journal 

- you will arrive back home with a different bodily feeling, with higher self-   believe and with tasks to practice your life-flow 


3, 6, 12 months coaching package

- in our first session we will analyze your situation and formulate the   outcome you wish to see after the set time

- We will draw your individual way & define teh first steps how you get there

- you can decide on the mix of individual sessions, 1 day-coaching, short calls   and text messages, which can be adapted over time

You can find further information about the terms and conditions of my work and the methods that I use here:

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Take the first step today & send me an email!

I am looking forward working with you!

​Yours, Veronika Mayerhofer.

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